Wednesday, April 15, 2009


(The family in our Easter outfits.)

We had a great Easter weekend. We had fun dying easter eggs, hunting for the eggs, and finding out was in our easter baskets.

Sunday we went to Stake Conference and over to my dad's and had a delicious ham dinner, hung out with family, and watched the Testaments.



sgmom said...

Wish I could have been two people at once. Dyeing easter eggs naked!! That's a new one. hehehe. I love your easter picture. Everyone looked so cute.

Shayne Fillmore said...

Looks like you had a fun Easter. I love your family picture. Carson is growing so fast! We are looking forward to seeing you all again the first of May!
Love, Mom

BRITT said...

Your boys are so cute, I can't wait to have one of my own!

ANGELA said...

Cute pictures! Thanks for coming to visit. Tade is still talking about it. Hopefully, next time it won't be a year before we see each other again!

My Rags to Riches said...

What cute little boys you have!