Thursday, May 7, 2009


I can't say that I have never been a victim of ROAD RAGE myself, but I like to think that it has improved in the last 10 or so years. Especially since I have had children and I started slowing down when I drive. Maybe it's my old age (ha, ha) or maybe I am just avoiding the pull-over-and-get-a-ticket stunt that I have been lucky enough to avoid in the my 16 years of driving. I have a clean record of no tickets and I'm not about to change that now.

Yesterday I was in the HOV lane. All those in favor of the HOV, raise your hand. I know I am. I love driving in that lane and I love knowing that I can be safe on the other side of the double white line. At least most of the time. Well, yesterday I was laughing my head off at some lady that was obviously in a hurry. I was driving along, singing to Lady Ga Ga, going 70 mph (5 over the speed limit) and she comes speeding up behind me, now tailgating me, swerving in and out to see what is slowing me down while talking on her phone (a whole other story). Now usually if I am in the far left lane (the fast lane) I know that if some one going faster than me comes right up behind me, I need to get over so that they can pass. In the HOV lane this is not the case and it is not a passing/speed lane. It is a carpool lane. So this crazy lady, speeding along, swerved to the right, over the double white lines into the left lane, to go around me. While doing so she felt the need to show off her pretty polish on her tallest middle finger. I just laughed and held my course, even though I was running late. I would rather be late than dead. As she swerved once again into the HOV lane, again over the double white line, she was trying to cut me off. Didn't really work. She was still on the phone and I'm sure telling the poor soul all about her misfortune with the "slow driver" and I saw a clawed hand in her rearview mirror once again directed at me. I laughed even harder. I don't know why I thought it was so funny because normally I would have gotten all upset, but I read something the other day that stuck with me.

"Every 60 seconds you spend angry, upset, or mad is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back."


sgmom said...

I laughed sooo hard. BTW what color was the polish? In the end, did you know the lady? You should have gotten her license plate and turned her in. Hey, maybe she was just testing the direction of the wind - her wind!!!!!

Heather said...

I am right there with ya! The HOV land is there for a reason. Sometimes I wish I had a neon sign that I could turn on for times like the one that you experienced. It would say something like: "HOV lane...back off or I will go the speed limit!"

K. D. Montgomery said...

Don't you just love crazy drivers. The more I see them get mad, the more I realize how dumb it is to get upset over things you just can't change.

My Rags to Riches said...

I love that quote, I need to remember that on an hourly basis sometimes.

Heather H said...

Thanks for that funny story, I needed the laugh!