Monday, August 10, 2009

My Growing boys...

Yesterday Gabe was helping me give Carson a bath. I was putting lotion and a diaper on Carson and Gabe asked why he wears a diaper.

Gabe: Mom, why does Carson need to where a diaper?
Me: Because he can't go in the potty like you and Noah. He's little.
Gabe: Oh, he's a LAMANITE!!

I laughed and laughed. I have no idea where he came up with that, but figured that we must be doing okay with our scripture reading.

This morning I turned on cartoons for Noah. The lady on KUED asked what R-U-N spelled. Noah piped up and said, "run". I was a little surprised that he read it that quick. They switched the letter R to a letter F and Noah said,"fun". I guess I underestimated how smart he really is. He is growing way too fast.
Carson is getting so big.

- He is 5 months now.
- Is working on sitting up.
- Rolls over from his back to his tummy.
- Starting to play with toys.

He is basically sleeping through the night. His last feeding will be between 9 and 10 pm and he will wake up between 6:30 and 7:30 am. The last mornings he has woken up at 7:30 am. What a good boy. This little guy is so fun.

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