Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where did November go?

I know that you have all noticed by now that it's been a while since I've posted. I was on a role for a bit, but we have been so busy, like the rest of you I'm sure. I don't know where November went, but I can't believe that it is already December.

To update a little bit Carson is finally breaking in the teeth. He will be 9 months tomorrow. Can you believe it? My baby is almost in the toddler stage. Okay, not that extreme, but he is growing way too fast.

All the boys in our house (including Paul) got sick the day after Thanksgiving. All 4 of them have been sneezing, coughing, and breathing on me. My hands are so dry from washing them so much, but moms don't really get "sick days". {sigh}

I hope the sick germs go away soon. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't catch this one.

1 comment:

sgmom said...

That's exactly how I've felt for the last 5 days!!! I think I"m finally good to go to work tomorrow!!!