Thursday, April 8, 2010

Disneyland Trip: Day 2

The next morning we got up and ready to go to Disneyland and after we got back from breakfast there was a message waiting for us that said that our stroller was at the front desk. All was right in the world once again and we felt VERY lucky to have found both things that were lost on the same day. We headed off to Disneyland in the rain, but we felt like we were being watched over and nothing was going to ruin our day. The boys had so much fun and LOVED the parade, Space mountain, being with new friends, watching the parade, and we were even interviewed by a show on a Disney's web site called ON THE SPOT. I don't know if they will put us on there, but it was kinda fun to be in front of the cameras answering questions. So look for us in a couple of weeks and see if they put our family (minus Carson) on there.

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