Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Well, what is it?

I had my dr's appointment yesterday and the dr took a peek at the baby in his sonogram room. It was so fun to see the little one. We were trying to figure out if it was a boy or a girl. Well, the baby wasn't really cooperating that much and it was really hard to tell what it was. Dr. Holmes pointed a couple things out, but it was still hard to see clearly. He gave us his "I'm 70% sure it's a......."

We have our official ultrasound next week, so I am waiting to announce the results when we can see a little more clearly. Sorry to keep you all in suspense. We are too, sorta. So check back and we'll hopefully know better by the 19th.


sgmom said...


Shayne Fillmore said...

no fair! I have been checking everyday hopeing to get the word and now we have to wait another week! Good news is all is well :)

We will be anxiously awaiting the confirmation! Love you!

The Whittacres said...

My vote is 70% it is a girl. LOL! Just my guess since all the friends I have had with uncooperative babies were girls. My last pregnancy we almost had an uncooperative one...but on the last try "shift in position" on my part she moved and whallah! she too was a girl! So I give it a 70% chance of a girl...but girl or not I am thrilled for you and your growing family!

My Rags to Riches said...

Im excited for you to find out!! I'm right behind you, I'll find out next week (hopefully)!