Monday, October 11, 2010

Young Women Retreat...

(All of us minus 2 that weren't able to there that morning.)

Paul and I were able to sneak in an over-nighter last weekend up at one of our leader's cabin. We got most of the YW leaders together (some couldn't come) and went up to Brighton Friday night. We played games, laughed more than ever, talked, and had tons of food. The next morning we got up and ate a delicious french toast and bacon breakfast, cleaned up a bit and we were home by noon. I am still recovering from the 2 am bedtime that we had, but it was a blast and I love all the ladies that I work with in the YW's. I couldn't do it without them. (All the husbands.)

(Here is what they did most of the time. Who can really blame them when there are a bunch ladies sitting around talking.)

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