I am fully aware that my baby boy is now 2 months old and I haven't written about his birth. I am blogging about it more for my sake than anything else. So here goes.
When I went to my 2nd to last appointment the Dr. said that he would induce me if I wanted to have the baby before the new year (I was due January 1st). I was more than happy to do that, but thought for sure that he was going to come on his own before then. I was excited, but super nervous to be induced. I had never done it before and had heard some pretty bad stories about induction. Plus I wanted to make sure that the baby was ready and knew that when he was he would come on his own, but because of how our health insurance works and for tax reasons, (I know, pretty dumb) we wanted to have him before the first. If I was due later I wouldn't have pushed for the induction.
With that being said we scheduled the date for Wednesday, December 29th. The night before I was supposed to go in I called the hospital like I was instructed and they said that they were full. What?? What would have happened if I went on my own and didn't need to be induced? Would they have turned me away if I showed up in labor? I would like to think that they wouldn't. Well I didn't and was instructed to get up at 5 am and call to see if anything had changed over night. Hmm, my guess was that I was going to get the same answer calling back that early in the morning. I had asked my mom to come over and stay with the boys while we had the baby. She came around 7 am and at 9 am the hospital called and wanted me there in 30 minutes. We lived only 20 minutes away, but there was a HUGE snow blizzard the night before and morning of and we knew that it was going to take some time getting there, but we made it and they hooked me all up. It was such a strange feeling to all of a sudden feel my body "go into labor" and not work itself up to active labor by itself. After I had the antibiotic for the strep B they gave me the pitocin and 3 hours later Porter Allen Hirschi was born. It was great. All my fears about being induced were gone. It was a great experience and I couldn't have been happier to hold my sweet little baby in my arms. He was small enough that I didn't need any stitches. It was a great recovery because of that.
When I brought him home his brothers were all so excited to meet him. 2 of the 3 boys were sick and couldn't get close, but were really sweet about it. I love holding my little man and knowing that he is my last is bitter sweet and makes me relish the time that I have with him as such a small baby.
He is so adorable!!! I remember seeing of Facebook that you'd had him and being green with envy as I wasso done being pregnant and wasn't due for a couple more weeks. but who knew we'd have our boys just a few days apart. How fun!!! I'm glad the birth went so smoothly!
Wow, a house full of boys! How fun, but I would not know what to do with myself. Your little Porter is so beautiful, good job guys. Love the pics.
Glad your induction went well...I have only heard horror stories about the first baby being induced I have heard subsequent inductions (after having one baby) are smooth...just like yours...that being said I had two successful and realatively "painless" inductions...so who am I to talk...he is handsome just like your other boys! I love the picture of all of them... I WISH I could get all of my kids to pose so well like that....amazing!
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